Game of Life

What is this?

A simulation program for a cellular automata known as Conway's Game of Life that runs inside a webpage.

Want to give it a go?

Paint some cells on the grid by clicking on the cells for the starting state, and then press the spacebar key or the S key to start or step the simulation.

NOTE: The grid size can be changed by providing ?c=<size> in the URL

NOTE: The 'Save' button or CTRL+S will save your initial commited state as a URL: Glider example

Key bindings

Left click / Right click
Add / Remove cells
R key
Resets view
Reset simulation to initial state
Store the initial state as a variable in the URL
Start the generation
S key
Increment generation step-by-step
← ↑ → ↓ / SHIFT + click
Moves around the grid
Scroll wheel
Zoom in/out